ImpactWayv Short Wayv Series, Episode 1 - Featuring Doug Woodring, Founder - Ocean Recovery Alliance

Exec. Vice President, Karen Talamelli Cusick had the opportunity to speak with Doug Woodring, Founder of Ocean Recovery Alliance about the recent Water Rising Festival held in Cambodia.

The Water Rising Festivals was created by Ocean Recovery Alliance and NGO2 Foundation, to bring new awareness and water appreciation to villages along the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. This is one of the only lakes in the world which rises and falls by 6m each season, and the lives of the local communities are highly dependent on fishing resources and tourism. However, they lack waste management and recycling know-how, and also education in terms of how and where to put their waste. The rising and falling of the lake impacts fishing, the ecosystem with a UNESCO bird sanctuary, tourism, and the health of local communities.

View full podcast here.